Dr. Michael K. Turner

Michael K. Turner, MD

Integrative Medicine Physician & Sports Medicine Specialist located in Kennewick, WA

It’s time to take care of your most valuable asset – your health. Michael K. Turner, MD, is a board-certified physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist who offers integrative Men’s Health services from his practice in Kennewick, Washington. Whether you need a drastic overhaul, or just want to make a few tweaks to get an edge, if you are serious about feeling better than you have in years, call Dr. Turner to schedule a consultation today.

Men's Health Q&A

What men’s health conditions should I be concerned about?

As a man, you have a certain level of risk for problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Even if you aren’t sick, you may have concerns about weight gain, low libido, erectile dysfunction, poor sleep, or the effects of a bad diet. Or maybe you’re a natural overachiever who won’t settle for anything less than being in peak physical condition.

Dr. Turner helps people just like you enhance your overall health, which includes problems other doctors might have nagged you about, like:

  • High cholesterol
  • Weight gain
  • High blood pressure
  • Elevated blood sugar levels
  • Tobacco use
  • Alcohol consumption

The difference with Dr. Turner is that he doesn’t just give you some meds to make your symptoms go away. He helps you understand your problem and implement sustainable changes that maximize your body’s own potential for wellness. You can feel better.

What’s included in men’s health services?

Dr. Turner takes you and your health seriously. He offers thorough consultations – perhaps unlike anything you’ve experienced with a physician before. Instead of spending more time in the waiting room than you do with your doctor, depending on what package you choose, you can spend up to an hour with Dr. Turner.

When the results of your health screenings are available, he creates a personalized Men’s Health program, tailored specifically to your needs. Your plan could include:

  • Treatments for musculoskeletal aches and pains
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Personalized supplement regimen
  • Personalized exercise program
  • Sleep optimization
  • Hormone therapy
  • Mental and emotional health counseling

Your plan enhances every aspect of your health, minimizing your risk for heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. Your self-esteem returns and your sex life is better than ever. So what are you waiting for?

How do I know what I need to do to optimize my health?

Health and wellness information is everywhere. As tempting as it is to refer to Dr. Google or your trainer at the gym, you’re not going to get high-quality, research-based, personalized health care from any of these sources.

With Dr. Turner, you get a thorough exam and consultation, including hormone evaluations and screenings for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. This information allows Dr. Turner to understand what you need to improve your health.

There is no cookie-cutter approach to health with Dr. Turner. If you’re ready to turn your life around, call today to schedule your appointment, and start your journey to becoming as healthy and fit as possible.

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